
Figure 4. The effects of testosterone therapy on body composition, muscle strength, and bone mineral density in intervention trials. The point estimates and the associated 95% confidence intervals are shown. Upper panel shows the effects of testosterone therapy on lean body mass, grip strength, and fat mass in a meta-analysis of randomized trials (data derived from Bhasin et al. Nature CPEM 2006; figure reproduced with permission from Nature Reviews in Endocrinology). The middle panel shows the effects of testosterone therapy on lumbar and femoral bone mineral density in a meta-analysis of randomized trials.Data derived from a meta-analysis by Tracz et al, JCEM 2006; figure reproduced with permission from Nature Review in Endocrinology. The effects of testosterone therapy on measures of sexual function in men with baseline testosterone less than 10nmol/L (290ng/dL) are shown in the lower pa nel. The data were derived from a meta-analysis by Isidori et al, Clin Endocrinol 2005. Figure reproduced from Spitzer et al, Nature Review in Endocrinology 2013.