
1 Definitions, Classification, and Epidemiology of Obesity Jonathan Q. Purnell, MD
2 Adipose Tissue: Physiology to Metabolic Dysfunction Allison J. Richard, PhD, Ursula White, PhD, Carrie M. Elks, PhD, RD and Jacqueline M. Stephens, PhD
3 Neuroendocrine Control of Body Energy Homeostasis Alison H Affinati, , MD, PhD and Martin G. Myers, Jr. MD, PhD
4 Endocrinology of The Gut and the Regulation of Body Weight and Metabolism Andrea Pucci and Rachel L. Batterham
5 Genetic Obesity Syndromes I. Sadaf Farooqi, MD PhD
6 The Control of Food Intake in Humans Mark Hopkins, Jason Halford, John Blundell and Graham Finlayson
7 Control of Energy Expenditure in Humans Klaas R Westerterp
8 Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis in Human Energy Homeostasis Christian von Loeffelholz, MD and Andreas L. Birkenfeld, MD
9 Body Weight Regulation Emily K. Woolf, PhD, Hannah E. Cabre, PhD, RDN, Alex N. Niclou, PhD and Leanne M. Redman, PhD
10 Social and Environmental Factors Influencing Obesity Alexandra Lee, BS, Michelle I. Cardel,, PhD, MS, RD and William T. Donahoo, MD
11 Molecular links between Obesity and Diabetes: “Diabesity” Alexandra Chadt, Ph.D., Stephan Scherneck, Ph.D., Hans-Georg Joost, M.D., Ph.D and Hadi Al-Hasani, Ph.D.
12 Use of the Historial Weight Trajectory to Guide an Obesity-Focused Patient Encounter Gitanjali Srivastava, MD, Robert F. Kushner, MD and Caroline Apovian
13 Drugs that Affect Body Weight, Body Fat Distribution, and Metabolism Ann A. Verhaegen, MD and Luc F. Van Gaal, MD, PhD
14 Clinical Problems Caused by Obesity Ioannis Kyrou, M.D., PhD, M.Ed., FHEA, Harpal S. Randeva, MD, PhD, FRCP, Constantine Tsigos, MD, PHD, Gregory Kaltsas, MD, FRCP and Martin O. Weickert, MD, FRCP
15 Endocrine Changes In Obesity Dorina Ylli, MD, PhD, Sharleen Sidhu, MD, MPH, FACE, Tanvi Parikh, MD and Kenneth D. Burman, MD
16 Obesity and Dyslipidemia Kenneth R. Feingold, MD
17 Metabolic Syndrome David W. Lam and Derek LeRoith, M.D., PhD.
18 Thin Fat Obesity: The Tropical Phenotype of Obesity Nitin Kapoor, MD, DM, PhD
19 Lipodystrophy Syndromes: Presentation and Treatment Baris Akinci, Merve Celik Guler and Elif A. Oral
20 Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Diseases: Dercum Disease, Lipedema, Familial Multiple Lipomatosis and Madelung Disease Karen Louise Herbst, PhD, MD
21 Dietary Treatment of Obesity Johanna T Dwyer, DSc, RD, Kathleen J Melanson, PhD, RD, LD, Utchima Sriprachy-anunt MS, RD, Paige Cross and Madelyn Wilson
22 Exercise Treatment of Obesity Tori Stone, PhD, Loretta DiPietro, PhD, MPH and Nina S. Stachenfeld, PhD
23 Behavioral Approaches to Obesity Management Jena Shaw Tronieri, PhD, Naji Alamuddin MB, BCh, MS, Diplomate ABOM and Thomas Wadden, PhD
24 An Historical Review of Steps and Missteps in the Discovery of Anti-Obesity Drugs George A. Bray, MD, MACP, MACE and Jonathan Q. Purnell, MD
25 Pharmacologic Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults Beverly G. Tchang, MD, Mohini Aras, MD, Rekha B. Kumar, MD, MS and Louis J. Aronne, M.D.
26 Existing and Emerging Molecular Targets for The Pharmacotherapy of Obesity Spyridoula Glykofrydi, Alexander Kokkinos, Thomas M Barber, M.D., George Mastorakos, M.D., DSc and Georgios Valsamakis
27 Surgical Treatment of Obesity Paul O'Brien, MD, FRACS
28 Adolescent Bariatric Surgery Sarah Ogle, DO, Nicholas Schmoke, MD and Thomas Inge, MD, PhD
29 Medical Management of the Postoperative Bariatric Surgery Patient Tiffany Y. Kim, MD, Sarah Kim and Anne L. Schafer, M.D.
30 Special Considerations Relevant to Pediatric Obesity Michael Rosenbaum, MD and Vidhu Thaker, MD
31 Prevention of Obesity George A. Bray, MD, MACP, MACE